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Standard Method Of Measurement Of Building Works 6th Edition

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  1. Standard Method Of Measurement Of Building Works 6th Edition 2017
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Note: This article refers to the measurement of quantities for construction works. For articles about more general measurements, see the list of articles in the measurement category.

This is the revised 5th edition of the Australian standard method of measurement of building works authorised by the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors and Master Builders Australia Inc. The purpose of the Standard Method of Measurement is to provide a uniform basis for the measurement of building works. The methods of measurement laid down herein shall be applied to the preparation of Bills of Quantities before the works are commenced equally with the measurement of finished works and variations.

See also:

  • Measured term contract.
  • Measured work.
  • Measured quantity.
  • 7Standard measurement conventions
  • 9Related articles on Designing Buildings Wiki

Measurement is the transformation of drawninformation into descriptions and quantities, undertaken to value, cost, and priceconstruction work, as well as enabling effective management.

It is not just about a quantity surveyor producing a bill of quantities for contractors to price during tendering. It is used in both pre- and post-contractwork, helping assess the likely cost of the works, and determining what contractors and subcontractors should be paid for work that has been completed.

During the early design stages, the quantity surveyor (or cost consultant) will measure the dimensions of the building to produce budgetestimates, perhaps based on benchmarking against similar buildings. As the design develops, they will measure more detailed approximate quantities for cost planning purposes, ensuring that the design can be achieved within the budget.

The quantity surveyor then measures the completedworking drawings to produce a bill of quantities. Contractorstender for the job by pricing the work described in the bill of quantities.

The contractor may use measurement for:

  • Preparing a construction methodology.
  • Ordering goods and materials.
  • Procuringsubcontractworks.
  • Calculating the effects of any variations.
  • Assessing work done against the construction programme.
  • Making payments to subcontractors.
  • Preparing or assessing valuations of workcompleted for interim payments.

The quantity surveyor may undertake measurement for:

  • Cost control.
  • Estimating the cost of variations to the work.
  • Calculating the value of nominated subcontractors' and suppliers' work.
  • Preparing or assessing interim valuations to pay the contractor for work done.

The degree of detail to which construction work can be measured varies according to its use and the stage in the project. In the very early design stages, there is not much detail available, so estimates are based on general parameters, such as:

  • Functional unit: For example, cost per school pupil, cost per theatre seat, cost per hospital bed, and so on.
  • Floor area: Cost per sq. m gross floor area.

As the design progresses and more information is known, estimates can become more detailed, such as elemental estimates (for walls, floors, roof, frame, etc.).

During the later stages of the design, the work required to construct the building may be measured by:

  • Itemised specification: A detailed cost plan which is broken down into a series of elements. Initially, the elemental cost plan will simply be the total construction cost for the project divided into elements on a percentage basis.
  • Approximate quantities: A first attempt to measure defined quantities from the drawings (or to take them off from a building information model (BIM)). This should be accompanied by a schedule of assumptions made.
  • Bills of quantities: The work is measured in detail, usually in accordance with a standard method of measurement.

NB: Bills of quantities are normally only prepared on larger projects. On smaller projects, or for alteration work the contractor may be expected to measure their own quantities from drawings and schedules of work. Schedules of work are 'without quantities' instructional lists that allow the contractor to identify significant work and materials that will be needed to complete the works and calculate the quantities that will be required.

It is important that there is a uniform basis for measuringbuilding works in order to facilitate industry wide consistency and benchmarking, to encourage the adoption of best practice and to help avoid disputes.

A standard method of measurement:

  • Provides a structure for the information that should make up the descriptions.
  • Defines the unit of measurement for each item - m, m2, m3, number, tonnes, and so on.
  • Provides rules as to what is included within each item.
  • Defines the terms used to avoid disputes.
  • Allows familiarity to develop, so measurement becomes easier and quicker.
  • Provides a clear system for structuring other project information and cross-referencing specificationinformation with bill of quantityinformation.

The most commonly used standard methods of measurement for building works is NRM2, which replaced SMM7 in 2012. The New Rules of Measurement (NRM) are published by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and prepared by the Quantity Surveying and Construction Professional Group.

NRM2 provides a set of detailed measurement rules for the preparation of bills of quantities or schedules of rates for the purpose of obtaining a tender price. It also deals with the quantification of non-measurable work items, contractor designedworks and risks. Guidance is also provided on the content, structure and format of bills of quantities, as well as the benefits and uses of bills of quantities.

The term ‘taking off' refers to the process of identifying elements of construction works that can be measured and priced. Those elements can be measured in number, length, area, volume, weight or time, then collated and structured to produce an unpriced bill of quantities. This process is sometimes referred to as ‘working up'.

Standard Method Of Measurement Of Building Works 6th Edition 2017

Always measure gross buildingarea and then deduct items such as exterior walls to find floor spacearea. Always measure on the centre line of the material.

[edit]Calculating girths and centre lines

The centre line is half way between the external girth and the internal girth. Play black jack free.

Centre line (CL) = (Internal girth + external girth)/2

CL = Internal girth + (No. of corners) x 2(wall width)/2


CL = External girth - (No. of corners) x 2(wall width)/2

[edit]Calculating girths for irregular shaped buildings

2.00 1.50
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 0.50
3.00 2.50
2.00 1.50
Total = 10.00 Total = 8.00

CL = Internal girth + (No. of corners) x 2(wall width)/2

Number of external corners = 5

Number of internal corners = 1

External corners - Internal corner = 4 Borland c builder 6 portable software.

This occurs regardless of shape providing the walls encompass 360°.

In the example above, the internal girth was 8.00, and the external girth was 10.00.

Difference = 2.00 m = 4 x 2(wall width)/2 Megabucks slot machine current jackpot.

[edit]Buildings with an inset

Girth = 2(length + width) + 2(depth of inset)

= 2(6.00 + 5.00) + 2(2.60)

= 27.20 m


[edit] Important centre lines used for measuringfoundations

Increasingly, softwarepackages are available to assist in the preparation of preparation of bills of quantities, and building information modellingsystems can be used to produce bills of quantities from information already contained within the model.

  • Advantages of a bill of quantities.
  • Area.
  • BCIS elements.
  • Bill of quantities.
  • Building People.
  • Chainage.
  • Code of measuring practice.
  • Comparison of SMM7 with NRM2.
  • Conversion of material volumes.
  • Cost plans.
  • Cubic metre.
  • Gross external area.
  • Gross internal area.
  • How to take off construction works.
  • International Property Measurement Standards.
  • Ordnance Datum.
  • Measurement of existing buildings.
  • Metric system.
  • Net internal area.
  • New Rules of Measurement.
  • NRM 1.
  • NRM 2.
  • NRM 3.
  • Quantity surveyor.
  • RICS.
  • Schedule of work.
  • Units.
  • Volume.

[edit] External references

  • ‘Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying' (10th ed.), LEE, S., TRENCH, W., Blackwell Publishing (2005)
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Related articles

  • Advantages of a bill of quantities.
  • Area.
  • BCIS elements.
  • Bill of quantities.
  • Building People.
  • Chainage.
  • Code of measuring practice.
  • Comparison of SMM7 with NRM2.
  • Conversion of material volumes.
  • Cost plans.
  • Cubic metre.
  • Gross external area.
  • Gross internal area.
  • How to take off construction works.
  • International Property Measurement Standards.
  • Ordnance Datum.
  • Measurement of existing buildings.
  • Metric system.
  • Net internal area.
  • New Rules of Measurement.
  • NRM 1.
  • NRM 2.
  • NRM 3.
  • Quantity surveyor.
  • RICS.
  • Schedule of work.
  • Units.
  • Volume.
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    How to make a standard addition plot
    Example standard addition plot. This graph is an example of a standard addition plot used to determine the concentration of calcium in an unknown sample by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The point at zero concentration added Ca is the reading of the unknown, the other points are the readings after adding increasing amounts ('spikes') of standard solution. The absolute value of the x-intercept is the concentration of Ca in the unknown, in this case 1.69E-6 g/mL.

    The method of standard addition is a type of quantitative analysis approach often used in analytical chemistry whereby the standard is added directly to the aliquots of analyzed sample. This method is used in situations where sample matrix also contributes to the analytical signal, a situation known as the matrix effect, thus making it impossible to compare the analytical signal between sample and standard using the traditional calibration curve approach.[1]


    Event id 1146 microsoft windows failover clustering tools. Standard addition is frequently used in chemical instrumental analysis such as atomic absorption spectroscopy and gas chromatography.[2]

    Suppose that the concentration of silver in samples of photographic waste is to be determined by atomic-absorption spectrometry. Using the calibration curve method, an analyst could calibrate the spectrometer with some aqueous solutions of a pure silver salt and use the resulting calibration graph in the determination of the silver in the test samples. This method is only valid, however, if a pure aqueous solution of silver, and a photographic waste sample containing the same concentration of silver, give the same absorbance values. In other words, in using pure solutions to establish the calibration graph it is assumed that there are no ‘matrix effects', i.e. no reduction or enhancement of the silver absorbance signal by other components. In many areas of analysis such an assumption is frequently invalid. Matrix effects occur even with methods such as plasma spectrometry, which have a reputation for being relatively free from interferences.The method of standard additions is usually followed to eliminate matrix effects. Experimentally, equal volumes of the sample solution are taken, all but one are separately ‘spiked' with known and different amounts of the analyte, and all are then diluted to the same volume. The instrument signals are then determined for all these solutions and the results plotted. As usual, the signal is plotted on the y-axis; in this case the x-axis is graduated in terms of the amounts of analyte added (either as an absolute weight or as a concentration). The (unweighted) regression line is calculated in the normal way, but space is provided for it to be extrapolated to the point on thex-axis at which y = 0. This negative intercept on the x-axis corresponds to the amount of the analyte in the test sample. This value is given by b/a, the ratio of the intercept and the slope of the regression line.Similarly in gas chromatography the following procedure is used: 1) The chromatogram of the unknown is recorded 2) a known amount of the analyte(s) of interest is added 3) the sample is analyzed again under the same conditions and the chromatogram is recorded. From the increase in the peak area (or peak height), the original concentration can be computed by extrapolation. The detector response must be a linear function of analyte concentration and yield no signal (other than background) at zero concentration of the analyte.


    A typical procedure involves preparing several solutions containing the same amount of unknown, but different amounts of standard. For example, five 25 mL volumetric flasks are each filled with 10 mL of the unknown. Then the standard is added in differing amounts, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mL. The flasks are then diluted to the mark and mixed well.


    [edit] Important centre lines used for measuringfoundations

    Increasingly, softwarepackages are available to assist in the preparation of preparation of bills of quantities, and building information modellingsystems can be used to produce bills of quantities from information already contained within the model.

    • Advantages of a bill of quantities.
    • Area.
    • BCIS elements.
    • Bill of quantities.
    • Building People.
    • Chainage.
    • Code of measuring practice.
    • Comparison of SMM7 with NRM2.
    • Conversion of material volumes.
    • Cost plans.
    • Cubic metre.
    • Gross external area.
    • Gross internal area.
    • How to take off construction works.
    • International Property Measurement Standards.
    • Ordnance Datum.
    • Measurement of existing buildings.
    • Metric system.
    • Net internal area.
    • New Rules of Measurement.
    • NRM 1.
    • NRM 2.
    • NRM 3.
    • Quantity surveyor.
    • RICS.
    • Schedule of work.
    • Units.
    • Volume.

    [edit] External references

    • ‘Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying' (10th ed.), LEE, S., TRENCH, W., Blackwell Publishing (2005)
    Retrieved from ''
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    Related articles

  • Advantages of a bill of quantities.
  • Area.
  • BCIS elements.
  • Bill of quantities.
  • Building People.
  • Chainage.
  • Code of measuring practice.
  • Comparison of SMM7 with NRM2.
  • Conversion of material volumes.
  • Cost plans.
  • Cubic metre.
  • Gross external area.
  • Gross internal area.
  • How to take off construction works.
  • International Property Measurement Standards.
  • Ordnance Datum.
  • Measurement of existing buildings.
  • Metric system.
  • Net internal area.
  • New Rules of Measurement.
  • NRM 1.
  • NRM 2.
  • NRM 3.
  • Quantity surveyor.
  • RICS.
  • Schedule of work.
  • Units.
  • Volume.
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    Technology enables data collection for proactive water management.

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    How to make a standard addition plot
    Example standard addition plot. This graph is an example of a standard addition plot used to determine the concentration of calcium in an unknown sample by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The point at zero concentration added Ca is the reading of the unknown, the other points are the readings after adding increasing amounts ('spikes') of standard solution. The absolute value of the x-intercept is the concentration of Ca in the unknown, in this case 1.69E-6 g/mL.

    The method of standard addition is a type of quantitative analysis approach often used in analytical chemistry whereby the standard is added directly to the aliquots of analyzed sample. This method is used in situations where sample matrix also contributes to the analytical signal, a situation known as the matrix effect, thus making it impossible to compare the analytical signal between sample and standard using the traditional calibration curve approach.[1]


    Event id 1146 microsoft windows failover clustering tools. Standard addition is frequently used in chemical instrumental analysis such as atomic absorption spectroscopy and gas chromatography.[2]

    Suppose that the concentration of silver in samples of photographic waste is to be determined by atomic-absorption spectrometry. Using the calibration curve method, an analyst could calibrate the spectrometer with some aqueous solutions of a pure silver salt and use the resulting calibration graph in the determination of the silver in the test samples. This method is only valid, however, if a pure aqueous solution of silver, and a photographic waste sample containing the same concentration of silver, give the same absorbance values. In other words, in using pure solutions to establish the calibration graph it is assumed that there are no ‘matrix effects', i.e. no reduction or enhancement of the silver absorbance signal by other components. In many areas of analysis such an assumption is frequently invalid. Matrix effects occur even with methods such as plasma spectrometry, which have a reputation for being relatively free from interferences.The method of standard additions is usually followed to eliminate matrix effects. Experimentally, equal volumes of the sample solution are taken, all but one are separately ‘spiked' with known and different amounts of the analyte, and all are then diluted to the same volume. The instrument signals are then determined for all these solutions and the results plotted. As usual, the signal is plotted on the y-axis; in this case the x-axis is graduated in terms of the amounts of analyte added (either as an absolute weight or as a concentration). The (unweighted) regression line is calculated in the normal way, but space is provided for it to be extrapolated to the point on thex-axis at which y = 0. This negative intercept on the x-axis corresponds to the amount of the analyte in the test sample. This value is given by b/a, the ratio of the intercept and the slope of the regression line.Similarly in gas chromatography the following procedure is used: 1) The chromatogram of the unknown is recorded 2) a known amount of the analyte(s) of interest is added 3) the sample is analyzed again under the same conditions and the chromatogram is recorded. From the increase in the peak area (or peak height), the original concentration can be computed by extrapolation. The detector response must be a linear function of analyte concentration and yield no signal (other than background) at zero concentration of the analyte.


    A typical procedure involves preparing several solutions containing the same amount of unknown, but different amounts of standard. For example, five 25 mL volumetric flasks are each filled with 10 mL of the unknown. Then the standard is added in differing amounts, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mL. The flasks are then diluted to the mark and mixed well.

    The idea of this procedure is that the total concentration of the analyte is the sum of the unknown and the standard, and that the total concentration varies linearly. If the signal response is linear in this concentration range, then a plot similar to what is shown above is generated.


    The x-intercept gives the concentration of the unknown. Note this value is the diluted concentration. In the procedure section above, 10 mL of unknown was diluted to 25 mL. It is this diluted concentration that is found by the x-intercept. To find the original concentration of the unknown, one must back calculate that value. The error in the x-intercept is calculated as shown below.

    sx=sy|m|1n+y¯2m2∑(xi−x¯)2{displaystyle s_{x}={frac {s_{y}}{|m|}}{sqrt {{frac {1}{n}}+{frac {{bar {y}}^{2}}{m^{2}sum {(x_{i}-{bar {x}})^{2}}}}}}}

    • sy{displaystyle s_{y}} is the standard deviation in the residuals =∑(yi−mxi−b)2n−2{displaystyle ={sqrt {frac {sum {(y_{i}-mx_{i}-b)}^{2}}{n-2}}}}
    • m{displaystyle m} is the slope of the line
    • b{displaystyle b} is the y-intercept of the line
    • n{displaystyle n} is the number of standards
    • y¯{displaystyle {bar {y}}} is the average measurement of the standards
    • xi{displaystyle x_{i}} are the concentrations of the standards
    • x¯{displaystyle {bar {x}}} is the average concentration of the standards

    See also[edit]


    1. ^Harris, Daniel C. (2003). Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman.
    2. ^Bader, Morris (1980). 'A systematic approach to standard addition methods in instrumental analysis'. Journal of Chemical Education. 57 (10): 703. Bibcode:1980JChEd.57.703B. doi:10.1021/ed057p703.
    3. ^Bruce, Graham R. (June 1999). 'Estimates of Precision in a Standard Addition Analysis'. Journal of Chemical Education. 76 (6): 805–807. Bibcode:1999JChEd.76.805B. doi:10.1021/ed076p805.

    Standard Method Of Measurement Of Building Works 6th Edition Free

    • Harris, Daniel C. (2003). Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Edition. New York: W.H. Freeman.

    Standard Method Of Measurement Of Building Works 6th Edition Pdf

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